All anabolic steroids are traditionally divided into two groups – one of them are 7Lab Pharm’s injectable steroids. They are oil solutions and aqueous suspensions, which are presented in the form of 10 mL vials. The content of the active substance can range from 50 mg to 500 mg per milliliter. They are always administered intramuscularly using 2 or 5 mL syringes. Injections can be done both in the outer upper quarter of the buttock, and in other places like the hips, deltoid and (sometimes) biceps and triceps. It is worth noting that when injected into the buttocks or hips, almost the entire drug enters the general bloodstream, and in case of local injections, some part of the injection is spent on the local growth of the affected muscle group.
Buy 7Lab Pharma injectable anabolic steroids only from the original suppliers.
Injectable anabolic steroids are used for the following purposes:
The advantages of buying injectable steroids over oral are obvious:
But, there are also disadvantages:
You can choose specific esters of drugs, dosages, combinations and cycle models after deciding on the ultimate goals and in consultation with specialists. They are always ready to help you achieve your goal.
It should be remembered that all 7Lab Pharm’s injectable steroids have a standard set of side effects inherent in steroids (some to a greater extent, and some to a lesser extent). Therefore, regardless of the form in which you use steroids – they all carry a certain health risk. And yes, they also affect liver, so you need to monitor it by passing the necessary tests.